Saturday, June 10, 2006

Its not my fault

Blogspot was down last night, so I couldn't blog like I said I would, so sue me.

So, whats up with the world? Hell if I know. People are rude, people are inconsiderate. They allow their child to scream, run rampant, and just destroy everything. They step in front of you, and then look at you like "What? I'm walking here!!"

Okay, so I spend far to much time in Wal-Mart. Not what you would call the best place for classy people, but why do people have to live up to stereotypes?

Anyway, its Friday, and I am glad I get to spend 2 days away from there. Tomorrow I'm going out of town to go to dinner and see "Prairie Home Companion". I'll let ya know what I think.

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